Nimbus, Scarborough Penthouse

Nimbus: Wednesday 9th July 1975, The Penthouse, Scarborough

1975 NIMBUSWell, here we are… four months on from having seen this band on 21st March and I still can’t remember anything about them! As I said last time, they must have had something about them simply because I went again and, rather than write up something which is complete guesswork – again! – I’ll simply refer you to that previous gig and suggest that we got something very similar.

Can anybody help pin this band down, please?

Setlist: unknown

July 1975

Nimbus, Scarborough Penthouse

Nimbus: Friday 21st March 1975, The Penthouse, Scarborough

Who question markIt would seem that lots of bands have appeared using the name Nimbus, so it’s almost impossible for me to get this right. But… if I were a betting man, I’d go for this band which was active around the right time and was a glam/pop-rock band from Kings Lynn, Norfolk. They released no albums but two singles: ‘Uriah on the Move’ b/w ‘Lollipop’ (1972) and ‘All for the Love of Stephen’ b/w ‘Let Me Go Home’ (1973), both of which can be found on YouTube and to be honest they sound like a cross between The Sweet and any cheesy ballad-type outfit from back then. Maybe I’m wrong; perhaps the band that I saw was an altogether heavier outfit but if that’s the case then I have no idea as to who they were. There was a prog outfit around the same time but they were Finnish and sang in their own language, so it’s unlikely to have been them. Anyway, I actually went to see Nimbus for a second time, so they must have been good; which leads me to think that it really wasn’t the band that I am putting forward here. I really don’t know, so I think that I’m just going to leave this…

Setlist: unknown1975 NIMBUS1975 NIMBUS Let Me